On one hand allowing obviously superior and cheaper Chinese EVs into the states at MSRP would obliterate the automakers which are one of the last bastions of organized labor. On the other hand getting cheap EVs into people's hands is the outer limit of viable climate change action in this treat demon settler country.

EVs aren't a viable way to address climate change; overall primary energy use needs to decrease and EVs are still a very, very energy-intensive form of transportation. Organized labor will be a necessary component of any attempt to address climate change beyond offering people better treats.

It is however ridiculous because the dems have created a system where only affluent people can afford EVs; they'll pat them on the back and assure them they did their part to save the planet. Now if only the poors trundling along in their aged gasmobiles could get their shit together.

  • Droplet [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    The only thing you need to know is that some parts of the American bourgeoisie are going to make an absolute killing as middlemen and rake in billions and billions of profit from such schemes, while you, the common folks, are going to have to pay the expensive price even for a cheap electric vehicle in the name of “supporting American domestic industries”.