Reviews are looking a bit dire atm. Honestly Relic was the only company that could make a good RTS and they're gone

  • Formerlyfarman [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Nevermind. Im an idiot. There is a thing called the goldberg emulator that cracks the steam games for you. Works for linux and windows as long as they dont have extra dmr. Even i could use it, and im not a comuter nerd at all. So you can play with patch 2.303 after all.

    If you search in yandex one of the first results is an uncracked version in direct download. Its a page called pix something 7.5 gigs. Seems to be safe i downloaded from there. Use a download manager so you can restart the conection, i have a shity unstable 250kbs line and could restart several times with j downloader 2. Wich i often cant do woth direct download sites. Thete is a torrent in bitdig but the trakers seem down.