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Me and some friends are leaving in a month's time, maybe two.

Give me suggestions down below. I'm asking on Discord, Twitter, etc.

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    29 days ago

    I went through a few Italian places back in 2016.

    You gotta see Venice, that's a must see. It's just such a unique place. Same with Rome, you just have to.

    Besides that, Cortona was wonderful (it's in Tuscany where you're going already). Nice little small town. Very dope.

    Trieste was really interesting and not far from Venice, you could visit it. Lots of different cultures all kind of melted together there.

    Naples was cool - other backpackers gave me a hard time about seeing southern Italy because of the crime, but it was more like any run down post industrial North American town than some crime den. If you're going to see Pompeii chances are you'll be in or near Naples anyway. It was cool, lots of art.

    Ravenna was also really cool. I was surprised so many other backpackers didn't seem to know about it? It's quite an old and cultured city.

      • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
        29 days ago

        do you want an annotated map of pompeii that tells you where to find the locations of all my favorite graffiti

        it's color coded, inscriptions relating to fucking are in pink and ones relating to shitting are in brown

      • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
        29 days ago

        Trieste is close to Venice the same way Boston is close to NY. You'll spend a day on the train getting there and back. Just be mindful that Italy is not as small as one would think.

        • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
          29 days ago

          Trieste is close to Venice the same way Boston is close to NY. You'll spend a day on the train getting there and back. Just be mindful that Italy is not as small as one would think.


          What should I look for in Trieste?

          • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
            27 days ago

            I've never been there, so I can't say about Trieste, but it's on the Slovenian border - so a good place to go to Slovenia or Croatia from. Carinthia (mostly in Austria) is stunning.

    • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
      29 days ago


      I know about it and a lot of rich houses lived there.

      Where should I go here in particular?

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        29 days ago

        San Vitale has a famous mosaic, the mausoleum of theodoric contains a certified goth icon

      • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
        28 days ago

        Ravenna is small enough to see all it has to offer in one day tbh.

        Rimini, Cesena and Bologna are also neat in the area. San Marino (city state woo) and Urbino too, but that's further away. Make sure to stuff yourself with Piadina (the origin of the word being "poor people's bread") and Cascioni/Crescioni if you go to Romagna. (though be aware of the ingredients used in the dough if applicable to you)