• booty [he/him]
    16 days ago

    i see people saying this on the internet sometimes and ive given it a fair shot and i gotta be honest, it simply does not work at all. accomplishes nothing. feels mildly uncomfortable and doesn't get any extra piss.

    • BasementParty [none/use name]
      16 days ago

      Yeah it's weird. No matter what I do, no matter how long I wait, there's always still some piss left in there.

      The only thing that works for me is to sit down, stand up again, and then the you can get the last droplets out. I think male anatomy is just like that tbh.

      • ValenThyme@reddthat.com
        16 days ago

        it's a timeless frustration.

        No matter how I shake and dance, the last two drops go in my pants

        is older than pants