Bonus points for healthy/low carb. Omivore, vegetarian, vegan, I eat all the things but my autistic ass is very low on spoons. I'm a good cook but even the thought of cooking instant ramen sounds daunting sometimes.

Easy things I've incorporated are protein shakes with coffee, flax milk and chia seeds during the morning. Keeps me good til 1pm or so since breakfast grosses me out during the weekdays and it takes like 2 minutes to prepare

Also wraps. Throw a protein on, condiments or a sauce like pesto or something, rip up some lettuce with your BARE HANDS, and that's it. Or if you're feeling fancy, slice up some cheese/veggies. Less than 5 minutes with minimal clean up, just a cutting board knife, plate and maybe a spoon or butter knife. Sometimes if I'm not cutting much ill just do it carefully in my hands or on my plate to avoid washing the cutting board

  • goose [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I almost always have some steamed frozen mixed vegetables as a side. Affordable, healthy, low effort (five minutes microwaved while you make other stuff), and you can make as much as you need to balance out the rest of the meal.