Just this week in Vantaa, Finland three 12-year-old girls piled onto one of those electric scooters you subscribe to with an app and proceeded to get run over by a car at a crossing, killing one of them

The app is supposed to have an age restriction but it's easy to bypass and you're not supposed to have more than one person riding on one, which people routinely ignore

I hate seeing kids and teens speeding around dangerously on those fucking things and then just leaving them laying around on high-traffic bike routes because they don't give a shit since they treat the scooters as completely disposable

Fucking awful bazinga-brained Silicon Valley-ass idea and business model. Actually, there are also bikes you can use with an app but curiously you don't see kids doing reckless shit with those, almost as if electric scooters were uniquely terrible thonk

  • CommunistBear [he/him]
    3 months ago

    NGL the electric unicycles seem dangerous regardless of cars and vehicles. I still think they're cool as hell but I'm too much of a coward to try them at any real speed

    • Chronicon [they/them]
      3 months ago

      my brother got one of the one-wheel things (set up more like a skateboard than a unicycle) and hoooo boy did he get hurt after a few months. They were perfectly designed to lure you into a false confidence and then fail when you leaned in too hard. He sold it after that accident and they were recalled a while later. The unicycle things are neat but it does kinda scare me how fast they go. Only seen a couple people being assholes on them though so let the thrill seekers do what they want I guess