• Bloobish [comrade/them]
    12 days ago

    The literalist essays touted on YouTube as "breakdowns" are nothing more than fucking summaries and were a key symptom that literacy was always dead to the majority of tech bros and other STEM supremacist mfers in the west.

      12 days ago

      The fact that so much analysis of media is all about the "lore" as well. No one talking about what a series made them feel, or made them think, it's solely about "OMG is this character SECRETLY Sans Undertale??!?!?!?!"

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        12 days ago

        The newest trend of doing movie plots summed up with computerized voices makes my skin crawl, the curtains are blue because they are blue there is nothing else going on now omg watch this vid that offers nothing of value.

          11 days ago

          Yeah, I know what you mean, I have no idea how anyone could watch those. They get huge views for some reason, and for practically no effort, but I have no idea what the appeal is. You could just look up the wikipedia summary of the movie for the exact same effect.

          • Bloobish [comrade/them]
            11 days ago

            Honestly I don't want this to be a boomer ass take but my bet would be it's easier for people to consume than looking up the plot and then reading it, a lot of media consumption is just geared towards a vague understanding of the plot of a film given how over abundant media is. Imagine telling the newest gen of kids that yeah there's the extended cuts of the LOTR trilogy which is a cumulative 7-8 or so hours of film you have to sit through, I don't think current attention spans could take it.

              10 days ago

              Kids can sit down and watch 7-8 hours of streaming content though. I don't think it's neccessarily that kid's attention spans are completely broken, rather that they have so many things constantly vying for their attention that they dismiss content more easily because they've always known an abundance of media. A starving person won't turn away any sort of food, but someone who has never been hungry can refuse to eat something for the shallowest of reasons. Or something.

              • Bloobish [comrade/them]
                10 days ago

                I'd say that's true, but also that many including myself put streaming vids and other such content in the background to create a secondary noise while we multitask on something else with brief moments of engagement. Also gotta say short form content that gets the message across far quicker than long form essays as well (Tiktok for instance has been pretty great at creating lots of short form leftist content to help inform). Still there's just a part of me that wonders whether some of the blame can be laid at the feet of new media formats and distributes wanting quicker higher engagement content, and how this isn't fostering healthy attention spans.

    • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
      12 days ago

      Reminds me of those "brief retrospective" style videos that are 2-8 hours of basically regurgitating the plot of a game and quests verbatim, no analysis or retrospective at all

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        12 days ago

        The same people that consumes that slop and will also stare you down wihtout irony and say there is nothing political about Metal Gear Solid or that games like Spec Ops The Line are not anti-war pieces.