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  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    8 days ago

    He's still not good, but he's a rational actor. The west is living in the world of what plays well in the media; he's at least living in reality.

    • footfaults [none/use name]
      8 days ago

      Absolutely. He spent like an hour with Tucker explaining in detail his whole mental framework and philosophy from beginning to end and most in the west were like "too long; didn't watch"

      Like you can absolutely be opposed to his entire world view, accuse him of many of the crimes that he has most certainly committed, but he is absolutely a rational actor on the world stage.

      • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
        8 days ago

        Come on... That interview was crap. Tucker doesn't have the journalistic knowledge or integrity to get anything out of Putin. He just let Putin ramble about old history as if it was a significant part of Russia's reasons for deploying in Ukraine. Denazification also isn't really a major factor in the decision to invade either, it just happens to be a viable excuse to bolster the initiative because Ukraine does have a nazi problem.

        I support Russia over Ukraine, but let's not pretend Putin is anything but another two faced capitalist.

        • Yllych [any]
          8 days ago

          The interviews he did with Oliver Stone were better

    • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
      8 days ago

      he's at least living in reality

      I've lived in the US my whole life, so I find his recognition of reality to be somewhat refreshing, even if he is an asshole.

      Edit: Read further down in the thread. The asshole quip refers specifically to the transphobia. He's a capitalist, so there will always be a scapegoat for the inevitable contradictions, and it won't be the bourgeoisie.