From Law Offices of Barton, Banner & Stark 890 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan New York City, NY, 10005

Date 23 June 2024

Re: Defamation of internet username

Dear c/badposting commumity of Hexbear Dot Net, at Langley Virginia,

This letter has been served as notice of your unwarranted defamation activities, or the equivalent thereof, that has been on-going in recent weeks. Therefore, you are required to cease and desist all verbal and emotional attacks, including but not limited to:

  1. Poking fun at ButtBidet’s sincere and thoughtful posts
  2. Satirising ButtBidet’s words without his permission
  3. Commenting on ButtBidet’s posts with unkind emojis

You must refrain from all defamation against the user known as ButtBidet.

The previously conducted actions are unwanted, unwelcome, and have become unbearable. Due to the aforementioned harm you have caused, this cease and desist shall serve as a pre-suit letter demanding that you provide us written assurance within 15 days that you will refrain from further actions that could be deemed as defamation.

If you do not comply with this cease and desist letter within the aforementioned time-period then the Supreme Court will be notified about your mean posting.


Clinton Francis Barton Esq. Attorney to ButtBidet