Nation states are real if you believe in them!

  • Hexphoenix [any]
    7 days ago

    It's pretty much the worst kind of house to have, enjoyable only by the ultra wealthy who visit every once in a while and leave it otherwise uninhabited. Having to take a fucking boat to get groceries or do anything sucks ass, saltwater-air is bad for basically everything humans make, etc etc.

    • TheWurstman [he/him]
      7 days ago

      Oh yeah the upkeep is probably insane, but idk there is just this weirdo inside me who wanted to live in a lighthouse.

      • Hexphoenix [any]
        7 days ago

        Being a lighthouse keeper definitely has a certain appeal, but yeah I definitely wouldn't want it to be my lighthouse that I'm expected to pay to have maintained lol

        • TheWurstman [he/him]
          7 days ago

          Of course not ;) but honestly that’s what’s shitty about owning any property.

        • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
          7 days ago

          dude that'd be fucked like what kidn of business plan would you even need, like what you're gonna row out into a storm to demand payment from every ship nearby

          • Hexphoenix [any]
            7 days ago

            Subscribe to my lighthouse or I'll track your route and turn off the light whenever you're nearby

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      7 days ago

      Word. You're either rich, or wearing squirrel skin britches you tanned yourself, and there's no in between.

    • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
      7 days ago


      freshwater island

      Having to take a fucking boat to get groceries

      what if you couold grow your own food tho

      do anything

      ?? this is hexbear none of us ever do anything