Black_Mald_Futures [any]

  • 31 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • You probably have something fucky going on with bureaucracy or taxation capacity that's fucking up your income, or construction goods are actually Not Cheap, if you're building for them but still unable to sustain your construction

    An example of the bureaucracy/tax shit randomly fucking you is when you're playing Japan and get forced to open and all of a sudden make no money, it's cause isolationism gives a big increase to taxation capacity. I haven't played a lot of Russia though so idk what equivalent things might be happening

  • sorry there are further levels of gender and interactions there you cannot grasp but yes, idk, what do you think you're saying if "cocksucking" is inherently HOMOphobic? You're restricting it to male-male interactions? like, what?

    And again, nobody has told me exactly what nature of bigotry is being performed in calling a cat "a little cocksucker," j/s. Sorry bubbles, you're a homophobe

    I hate word prescriptivist motherfuckers trying to tell me how to talk, like you know what goes on on my head. I say "cocksucker" because it flows in the moment i use it in and sounds good and satisfies whatever anger i feel that needs an invective and i resent being told that I'm a fucking bigot for it

    Honestly, for real, imo it's people JUST BEING NERDS. Like, for real, how often do you think people say SHIT and think about actual shit? Every time somebody says shit they're thinking of doodoo ass poopoo? That's what the WORD means, right? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    And every time someone says FUCK, they're thinking of FUCKING right? Why else would they say the word, right? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    Fuck all the way off with this shit lmao