I love No Dogs In Space, specifically for the way they describe an era thru a few episodes focusing on one band, and also describe that bands history and how it was meaningful/impactful. The chatting is cute, but not a must.
I also love Tides Of History.

  • Breath_Of_The_Snake [they/them, comrade/them]
    4 days ago

    If you’re already into tides, which is great, you might enjoy “fall of civilizations” on YouTube. It’s about the lived experiences of those in the final days of a collapse. It has similarly high production value and vignette quality. Anything with Mike Duncan is also great.

    If you can handle brain worms, there’s also that Italian guy that’s friends with Carlin. I quit more episodes than I finish, but his latest series on killing Mussolini has me tempted to give him a fair shake (again, there aren’t enough actual historians with podcasts so I keep coming back).