My renewal letter says, in part, "[i]f you fail to fully execute a new lease by September 22, 2024, your lease will go to Month to Month at the rate of $0.00."

If they don't correct that, can I stay rent-free?

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    7 months ago

    If you want to roll the dice because you don't have anything to lose, I'd put your current rent amount away in a savings account that you don't touch.

    If they take it to court or some shit, you can probably make a decent case for why it's unfair for them to increase the rent without providing you notification so you owe them your current rent amount for however long it took before they amended the error.

    Or just run on no rent and bail when shit gets serious. This may have implications for getting future tenancy.

    Idk. I'm not a lawyer but you have the chance to push your luck at least a little bit and as long as you keep your head on your shoulders about it, you might come off in a better position than you otherwise would.