In all seriousness I feel like the common answers I saw of Diogenes (because that was like, his entire shtick) or Socrates (because they killed him for being annoying) are probably better answers but saying its Trotsky on a leftist forum is way funnier.

  • healthkick
    3 months ago

    Cato was an annoying and self righteous piece of shit

    Real “giving the plebes bread is not just a threat to my personal wealth but an unholy affront to our sacred republic” kind of guy

    Plus modern day libertarians love the guy so what more do you need? They named the fucking Cato institute after him case closed

      3 months ago

      I also self-deluded myself into believing Cato was the not the inspiration for that name...

      Wasn't Cato the insanely misogynistic dumb fuck (even by Roman standards) that would always whine about women existing and then demand Carthage be destroyed (eventually, famously, this happened)

      Guy was a total shitter and asshole. A legendary one that is remembered thousands of years later for his insane rants.

      • healthkick
        3 months ago

        There were multiple Cato’s and every one of them was a self righteous patrician traditionalist.

        I’m referring to Cato the younger, contemporary of Julius Caesar who is probably the more famous one but there’s also Cato the elder who was basically the same figure a century beforehand.

        But it doesn’t matter which. Misogynistic patriarchal patricians who believed that their position atop the socio-economic hierarchy was a law of nature.