Picked up my bottle today, and I'm starting tomorrow. I really hope it works, I'm so tired of being tired! I've only ever taken Focalin, and Adderrall twice recreationally. The Focalin was all over the place for me but I did not have any sort of schedule. One day no food, next day caffeine, next day food and no caffeine, etc. So I wasn't able to tell if it was helpful, I just know on the days that I felt gacked out I did NOT like it.

Curious if anyone would want to share their experiences taking Strattera?

  • ratboy [they/them]
    3 months ago

    I read about the ejaculation thing on reddit lol....seems pretty common. I'm sure I'd find it hilarious in the bedroom but the random misfires in public...not so much haha

    Sucks that you had to stop! It sounds like it can be really effective but people seem to have soooo many side effects that outweigh the benefits