Kind of a unique situation here in the imperial burger core where one member of the ruling class is at odds with the other part. Sure they always come together to purge the poor but I wonder if america will be unique when fascism kicks off if Trump is going to kill his enemies in the ruling pundit class for example, and that's why we see them all kissing his ass (fruitlessly because like he gives a fuck). Thought?

  • plinky [he/him]
    2 months ago

    but do they though? how can small business interact with a union? I dont see particularly strong unions drive in non-chained production/services. Its fairly obvious though how government and something like google reviews/uber eats fees/facebook adverts can fuck small restaurant. (also minimum wages law, to be fair, but not unions themselves)

    • HamManBad [he/him]
      2 months ago

      They understand that unions make the improve the labor market for workers, raising wages across the economy and advocating for workplace regulations that they despise.