This is the real reason they're putting so much into AI, to clean up their sloppy spaghetti code
This is the real reason they're putting so much into AI, to clean up their sloppy spaghetti code
Thanks for the cheat sheet, I knew he looked familiar but I couldn't place it
It's hard to have an opinion. He ran the global industrial murder machine, but he was arguably the nicest guy who ever ran the murder machine. So, whatever, I guess
These tend to be domestic, it's expensive to transport frozen treats across the Pacific
Solution: buy a deep fryer. Also works as a retirement plan in lieu of a 401k
These are much thinner than baguettes and have a much softer consistency. We call actual baguettes "baguettes" but typically they're mass produced, it's hard to find good baguettes here unless you make them yourself
3000 miles to Vladivostok from LA really puts into perspective how massive the USSR was
I remember enjoying it for the most part
It's been a shell of its former self for a while now. What really needs to happen is to make the old episodes public domain, so they can be streamed from any service for free. I think the show has said all it needs to say, my kids are still going through the old seasons. They'll be teenagers by the time they hit the most recent episodes.
The fact that Zaslav decided to take most of the old episodes off of Max is a crime against humanity
Oof the world really dodged a bullet there. Critical support to the sucdem party of occupied Korea for forcing the vote against the coup
Platitudes and even actual quotes or ideas taken out of context and projected onto whatever topic as if they're universal truths.
This is a never ending problem, made even more difficult by the fact that quippy slogans are essential for the success of a revolution.
It was banned five years ago. The heyday was 2017-2018
I thought they essentially had control over the Arab spring? Wasn't it mostly used to advance Western interests in the end?
Kamala took advice from her brother in law, who is an Uber executive. She worked hard to cozy up to billionaires and involve them in her campaign. Her personal goal was to embed herself into ruling class circles, or possibly curry their favor to keep the Democratic party donor machine running. Everything else was secondary
Hey they wanted us to put all this money into prison labor systems, somebody's gotta use them. Guillotines are a waste of human capital, I'm sure musk is smart enough to swing a hammer