Got back from family vacation, got on the dreaded Facebook, found out the woman who was my first gf 12 years ago, and subsequently a friend I talked to pretty frequently, had died of liver failure at 33 years old.

Looking back on it, when she was drinking 12 years ago it just seemed like a fun time. I didn't know she sustained that pace for a decade plus. Some other things took a toll too, like an eating disorder.

Anyways, I am fuckin sad, fuck alcohol, it's as bad as heroin but capitalism gotta make that $$$$$

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Alcohol is dangerous, I limit myself to birthday and the 3 winter holidays since I've seen what it does to family, but totally cutting it off makes what little social life there is odd, especially here during the holiday. Seems the only thing reported in your typical rural paper is yet another death of despair or yet another drunk driver induced fatal accident.

    My maternal uncle was a heavy drinker, ended up with an ulcer and drank himself to death with the combination. One of my many cousins was training to be an electrician and had a huge alcohol problem, he ended up falling off the roof he was working on during his apprenticeship, he lived, but he obviously lost his apprenticeship but broke his ankle and its been totally fubar since. He does retail now and blows his small paychecks almost entirely on booze, he long lost his house and lives with my uncle. He's only a little older than me and already showing signs of Korsakoff's.