Rainbow Six instantly comes to mind as it's based on a Tom Clancy novel. Metro 2033 is a novel series too. Suppose you could count Dynasty Warriors too since it's based on ROTK.

Anything else good?

  • ElGosso [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I mean there are a bunch of later stories from other authors so I wouldn't be surprised if they toned that down somewhat.

    It's also a pretty fiercely guarded IP so you might want to think about creating your own less racist sword and sorcery setting

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 months ago

      True dat. I kind of have half of one tucked away somewhere. A prominent feature is that fishing villages on one side of the central sea have an integrated culture of humans and intelligent, language capable squid. Everyone works the nets together and they hang out in the bay talking and shooting the shit after the work day is done.