A lot of guides online suggest some hard to get or not widely available foods (idk where to find tempeh and quinoa is a bit expensive, for example). But I'm kinda doing the math in my head and having a hard time meeting protein intake goals (probably about 150g per day at least). I did get a protein supplement and it will help I guess, but im not great at meal planning. For anyone who lifts and is vegan, what do you do?

  • Eris235 [undecided]
    2 months ago

    You can also make Seitan yourself at home, by 'washing flour', or just by buying 'vital wheat Gluten' flour.

    1 part flour (or besan (chickpea flour) for extra protein) to 3 parts gluten. Some veggie stock, garlic, and onion powder, and salt.

    Knead, rip into nuggets, steam 10 minutes, pan fry 2 minutes per side with a bit of sauce.

    'vital wheat gluten' is like, 77% protein by weight. That puts it just under 'whey protein'.

    The 'washed flout' technique I think gives better flavor/texture, but is more work.