I spent 35 years of my life trying to ingratiate myself to beautiful middle-class/upper-class libs. Cuz it's what my parents did, and it's what television and the media taught me to do. It was such a massive waste of time and emotional energy, and I had to do therapy to unstick myself from the arguably not that bad resentment.

I'm also thinking of all the abusive people I've known, rich people have more often been the ones I hear stories about over the years hurting other people or just being utter dickheads. Sometimes a dickhead is born normal but uses their dickhead powers to become rich. And sometimes rich decent people turn their back on their shitty posh family and become a teacher or something.

I've had a lot of weird advice in my live to be wary of certain non specific groups, like certain body types, racial groups, regional areas, or genders. And it's always been pointless and terrible. We all know now that that shit ain't materialist.

I'm just saying, I wish people told me as a kid to be careful or rich and/or powerful people. It would have been really helpful growing up.

  • context [fae/faer, fae/faer]
    3 months ago

    the three most dangerous things are: the hoof of a horse, the horn of a bull, the smile of a saxon [member of the ruling class relative to the person saying this]