Alt title: The irrefutable case for bullying

  • Babs [she/her]
    5 months ago

    "Desister" is someone who identified as trans at one point, did not undergo any medical treatments for it, and then returned to being cis. I think. It's like, detrans, but with extra trans-medicalism.

    • Babs [she/her]
      5 months ago

      There have been a lot of cases online of people identifying as such, then espousing transphobia from a position of "I was trans once so I know it's bad" which is not only really shitty, but opens up a whole big can of worms about "who's really trans" that can delve deep into talk of stolen valor, trans-medicalism, people who just transition socially vs those who undergo medical treatments, nonbinary people taking stray shots all over the place... It can be a bad place in trans discourse.