Birth rates have dropped 20% since 2007. I don't think we ever came back from the '08 crash. It's just been smoke and mirrors.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Do you have any articles or books I could look into about materialist and feminist analysis of procreation/birth rates? I know it's a pretty central subject in feminism of course, but I want to understand this specific issue a little better because I honestly did believe the idea that "give families a better environment and they'll choose to have kids" but you definitely have some good points that make me question it.

    I guess my main issue is, you say we shouldn't be concerned as leftists because only white birth rates and declining. And I don't really care about white birth rates, but isn't the trend that happens with white people going to happen with PoC in the future, should systemic racism be dismantled? Why shouldn't we expect that if FALGSC came about in 100 years and there was no systemic racism, PoC would also have pretty low birth rates? Which would, at some point, become an actual problem. And not one that should ever be solved by limiting women's rights.

    But just to be clear, you're right in that this is not an immediate concern. Climate change and global war are orders of magnitude more threatening, and there is no shortage of people being born at this moment.