Share a photo in the comments if you can find it! Also, what do yuu like about the art? Do you run it in any of the decks/games you play?

This is mine for now. It's Trapinch from the Pokemon tcg by Asako Ito. I don't play, but there's a stack of free singles that people leave in a box at a bg place I go to, ao I took one and keep it in my wallet as a good luck charm (and charm it does, look at rhe overaized head and cute knitted body! A single crooked thread for a mouth and a shining star iris completes the baby)

Also while I was browsing, I saw this sick Galarian Moltress by Shinji Kanda


  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Really anything from Liiga Smilshkalne, loved her stuff ever since Android Netrunner.

    Gun to my head, probably Data Raven. Idk if I can find the card without a big FFG watermark so here's the art on its own:
