Finding out Ryan George is pleased to dunk on ELO~N is TIGHT! sicko-wholesome

  • batsforpeace [any, any]
    2 months ago

    ..are they mocking us? shut it down! ready the bogus lawsuits ! porky-point

    I guess the early cancellation worked because I didn't hear about the show.. but will check it out, looks fun

    Linguists such as Ben Zimmer have pointed out that the proverb began to be used in the opposite sense in the 20th century,[8] instead stating that "a few bad apples" are not representative of a group.[3][4] According to Zimmer, this usage may have corresponded to the change in the grocery trade, where modern shops sold apples individually and would rarely put rotten ones on display, and people stopped thinking of apples as being stored in barrels.[4] Zimmer said that "once the phrase is out there again and people are saying 'one bad apple,' you think, 'What could that mean?' Then you can assign it new meaning."

    oh ok so originally it was 'bad apples spoil the barrel' meaning if you have a few then the rest will go bad for sure, and now people use it to say if you have 1 bad apple the rest will remain fine if you just remove that 1 bad one, lol, how convenient that it's now employed to defend the reputation of institutions

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Even on a biological level, when an apple rots, it releases chemicals that affect other nearby apples and accelerate their rot as well.

      I suppose even at an academic level, "a few bad apples" when it's typically said now pisses me off because it sounds like something fundamentally absurd, like "well, house is on fire, time to throw some kerosene to put it out!" galaxy-brain