The photos are graphic. They show men, women, and young children in defenseless positions, many of them shot in the head at relatively close range.

The photos are literally this comic except the kids are killed too:


There is no difference between how Israel is conducting itself Gaza to how the US conducts itself in all its wars.

Death to America

  • carpoftruth [any, any]M
    20 days ago

    There is no difference between how Israel is conducting itself Gaza to how the US conducts itself in all its wars.

    The genocide of Palestinians is one of the US's wars. The US makes extensive use of proxies.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      20 days ago

      Didn't mean to imply it wasn't really, only that the US military doesn't differ to the IDF in terms of kicking in doors and murdering innocents. The US covers it up while the IDF seems to just own it proudly though.