One of Tolkien's letters describes orcs as“squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.”

And I was thinking about, 1.) Look at the legs on these Mongolian wrestlers all decked out for a major national wrestling festival, and also 2.) how Tolkien's racist description wasn't enough, and orcs have been depicted as more and more grotesque over time. Canonically orcs more or less just look like humans, but that's not "other" enough so they keep getting turned in to more and more bizarre looking monsters.

Either way, this is what i'm thinking about when i'm laid up with the 'rona. If y'all like wrestling or buff men in tiny pants check out Mongolian wrestling. From what I understand it's a hugely popular sport there and has been for like a thousand years.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    15 days ago

    I have never seen anything Warhammer 40K related that wasn't improved by putting more focus on the Orkz.

    Though admittedly on the very few occasions I touch WH40K anything, I tend to go Imperial Guard. I'm an incurable sucker for stories about ordinary people fighting through terrible situations shrug-outta-hecks

    I remember GW did a scenario pitting a planet's Imperial Guard against a Space Marine chapter, but they fucked it up by going with the most boring possible motivation of "the planet's population has been mind-controlled including its Imperial Guard, so the Space Marines have to save the day" rather than one of the countless understandable reasons an element of the Guard would mutiny.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      15 days ago

      Games Workshop has increasingly leaned into making what was once a Thatcher bathroom -era satire of all things Thatcher into a "these space fascists are actually good guys and you should admire and look up to them" pandering effort to sell more Spehs Mehreens to chuddy enthusiasts.

      As a consequence, the setting is in places ponderously tryhard and pretentious and up its own ass, and Da Orkz is a proppa pressa valve to dat muckin' about. shrek

        15 days ago

        Da Orkz is a proppa pressa valve to dat muckin’ about.

        Just there's a problem about that, if you think about scale and of what they really do for a second. Suffice to say, even a faction like Culture from Banks books, which had not genociding as a rule, would probably wiped them out.
        Books about orks are pretty good though, for some reason they usually tend to be more deep in lore than 19876987th story about heroic last stand or le epic quest for nothing which most of other books in 40k are.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          15 days ago

          They're not the good guys, nor did they ever have pretenses of being the good guys. My point is they're the persistent sense of humor of the sometimes ponderously pretentious 40k setting.

            15 days ago

            Sure, but tons of people forget that and fun=good is very prevalent opinion among the ork fans, so i got into the habit of reminding people that biological military von neuman rogue machines are nothing good. Then again the fashdom is full of unironic stans of factions like Tyranids, Drukhari or Black Templars, so... Also 40k fun can be cringe as fuck, allow me to unearth the ghastly cadaver of Angry Marines.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              14 days ago

              allow me to unearth the ghastly cadaver of Angry Marines

              Please don't.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              14 days ago

              Orks being, well, self-destructive gits seems to be the built-in limiter system that prevents them from utterly devouring the galaxy, so there's that.

                14 days ago

                Probably? After War in Heaves ended krorks devolved into orks and did... something for the entire 60 million years, but that something wasn't spreading themselves everywhere, since in 60 million years they would, even in the current state, filled every single niche possible. I doubt Eldar waged apocalyptic wars against them for the entire time, so their current resurgence seems to be reaction to humanity, species very much resembling ancient necrontyr, spreading to entire galaxy (which Eldar never did, also Eldar were nominally on the same side of WiH) and dragging chaos everywhere they go. Also necrons are back. Also tyranids everywhere. Galaxy in grave danger on multiple fronts, krorks to the rescue.

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  14 days ago

                  The fiction setting's comic relief rampaging more out of control than usual may well be like an allergic reaction to the fiction setting straying that far from its satirical roots.

                    14 days ago

                    rampaging more out of control

                    If you mean in universe everything escalated pretty harshly since orginal Rogue Trader and even first editions of 40K. Out of universe it's mostly just "SHUT UP I KILL YOU" Ahmed kind of humour recently. Though even in it they still have moments, like Ghazghkull at pretty much close to beginning of his career came to space hulk where he met greater daemon of Khorne coming straight from the permanent warp portal, krumped him in less than minute then screamed straight into the warp "THAT WAS PATHETIC! SEND SOMETHING BIGGER!" to which the portal closed and daemons all over hulk evaporated.