The meat of the article is after

The research that’s raising eyebrows comes from Japan, Taiwan and Australia.

  • Nationalgoatism [he/him]
    2 days ago

    In Taiwan, where the legal drinking age is 18, high schoolers who said they drank nonalcoholic beverages were more likely than those who didn’t to express an intention to drink alcohol.

    This article seems to me to be completely reversing correlation and causation. Isn't it far more likely that young people who are more interested in drinking alcohol are more likely to drink non alcoholic beer etc?

      2 days ago

      You're correct. It's so easy to lie with statistics that I now start with the impression that it's any new statistic is an outright lie.

      2 days ago

      Makes sense to me, but of course it's worth mentioning that either way correlation does not mean causation no matter how much sense it makes. You need experimental data to make a causal claim.