An incredible (deranged Zionist) mind came up with this one. The whole thing is amazing and you should read it to learn how prosecuting the Adams administration will lead to literal pogroms in the streets of NYC, but here are some choice bits:

That’s because being the mayor of a city as big and wealthy and fractious as New York City, which is the second home of pretty much every nationality and subnational group of people on earth, requires that you have working connections to the city’s neighborhoods. The city’s neighborhoods are run by people who get stuff done, which means that being mayor requires at least the pretense of doing favors for the people who do favors for you ... The alternative to this crude political math is to elect billionaires like Michael Bloomberg who are rich enough to bribe the city’s clashing interest groups into submission with their own personal funds.

Prosecuting New York City mayors for their proximity to one form or another of local corruption is like prosecuting bartenders for their proximity to gin.

You can tell he was really proud of this bon mot

What is not politically sensitive, though, is to string up New York City’s Black mayor on charges of minor graft, while letting the big fish swim free. That’s not justice. It’s lawfare—meaning, the weaponization of the law to serve a political agenda.

And whose political agenda would that be? Well, the same people who see Eric Adams’ refusal to welcome unlimited numbers of migrants to New York at the cost of collapsing city services as a moral and political embarrassment, rather than as basic common sense. The same people who can’t stand the sight of a Black ex-cop who knows that the police protect the people far more often than they abuse their powers. The same people who think that preventing “Zionist Jews” from walking across campus or using the library at publicly funded universities like Columbia and NYU is a form of social justice work.

But wait a minute, you may say—what if the accusations are true? What if Hizzoner did receive campaign funds from people close to the Turkish government in return for approving the Turkish Consulate in Manhattan, and illicitly accepted other contributions from people close to foreign governments?

You’re right. I don’t know. But here’s what I do know: I know that Hunter Biden’s laptop

Adams also struggled to fight crime as his party increasingly deemed the very act of policing inherently racist, and he stood for New York’s Jews as his party increasingly snuggled up to their pogromists. The federal government, which has the power to uphold laws and deport foreign students who support terrorism, say, or withdraw funding for universities that coddle antisemitic mobs, many of which appear to have direct links to the foreign terrorist organizations they support, did nothing. Mayor Adams, on the other hand, sprung to action as soon as he could, breaking down the Tentifada encampment at Columbia and repeatedly advocating a zero-tolerance approach to the Hamasniks in our streets.

So because I don’t want to see the weapons of lawfare turned against the Jews; because I don’t want to live in a third-world swamp that prosecutes political enemies and rewards flunkies with impunity; and because I don’t want gangs targeting my wife in Central Park or on the subway or savages chanting “from the river to the sea” outside my children’s day school or my favorite kosher restaurant; because of all that and more, I stand with Mayor Eric L. Adams, a hero to Jews and New Yorkers. When he is reelected, thanks in part to the support of our community, and of all sane New Yorkers, I will proudly pass out squares of Turkish delight.

  • micnd90 [he/him,any]
    3 months ago

    I know that Hunter Biden’s laptop—the one 51 intelligence officials, including several former directors of the Central Intelligence Agency, argued was a fictitious story that “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation”—turned out to be very true, and that though it raised very real allegations about the then-vice president’s involvement in his son’s lucrative business dealings with Ukrainian oligarchs, no serious investigation ever targeted Joe Biden.

    I know that earlier this year Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s husband, sold 2,000 shares of Visa, worth between $500,000 and $1 million, just weeks before the credit card behemoth was hit with federal antitrust charges. Paul seems to be a very lucky guy, because last November, he purchased call options in Nvidia and made a cool $4 million in one transaction, or about 20 times his wife’s annual salary as a public servant.

    I can go on like this for a very long time. Bill and Hillary Clinton became wildly wealthy by offering high level access to the U.S. government to every corrupt uranium trader on the planet. Barack Obama, the most politically active retired president in U.S. history is the proud owner of a stately portfolio of uber-luxury properties around the country. Who knows what a raid on those properties might turn up? The iron-clad ties between the NGO-industrial complex and the Democratic Party are why, just earlier this week, we saw Democratic vice presidential hopeful Tim Walz huddling with Alex Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros, whose extensive philanthropy has been instrumental in electing radically progressive law enforcement officials across the nation. Yet no one ever investigates how these links allow both radical billionaires and the Democratic Party to gut limits on political expenditures.

    So should we care about the allegations against Adams if they turn out to be true? In theory, sure!