My 8 year old grandson works at Starbucks. When I go in he puts my name as "Ruth Kandaforever" so he can say "Ruth Kandaforever" when my drink is ready and I walk up and say "Ruth Kandaforever?" and he turns the cup and says "Ruth Kandaforever" and hands it to me. Then everyone claps. I go in about 3 times a shift.
My 8 year old grandson works at Starbucks. When I go in he puts my name as "Ruth Kandaforever" so he can say "Ruth Kandaforever" when my drink is ready and I walk up and say "Ruth Kandaforever?" and he turns the cup and says "Ruth Kandaforever" and hands it to me. Then everyone claps. I go in about 3 times a shift.
It doesnt work if he doesnt cross his arms like in the Marvelino kino though!