
  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 days ago

    Misandry does not exist. Men do not need safe spaces, the rest of humanity needs safe spaces where we're free from men. If you can't stand being in a space where patriarchal BS gets called out appropriately, if you aren't able to critically engage with your own role in gendered power structures, you need to self-crit and weed out the reactionary sentiments you have internalized. Simple as. "Booohooohooo i didn't choose to be born as an opressor, do not discriminate me, we're all the same" is purest liberalism. We are not the same. Society doesn't treat you and me the same way, men treat me differently than people of other genders treat me. If we want to remedy that, we cannot pretend that these differences do not exist. We cannot gloss over the shit that men put women and nonbinary people through unless we want to reproduce and maintain these wrongs.

    • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
      2 days ago

      Misandry doesn't exist. That doesn't mean it's nice to talk about my gender with other users, it simply doesn't feel nice, and I requested the user not to do it. At no point did I claim misandry exists, or that we're all the same, I just would feel better in this space if third users didn't openly comment on my gender among themselves on conversations about geopolitics. I understand that we're all trying to make an effort to prevent misogyny in the platform, and if I'm wrong about what I'm saying, I'll shut up. I just wanted to say it doesn't feel great.

      Regarding patriarchal bullshit being called out, if you could point what part of my previous comments before my gender was pointed out was patriarchal, I would gladly take the criticism.