• OpenDown
    3 hours ago

    She also claims that we call her “a victim”, when she identifies as a “survivor” of the sex trade. SWERFs often obsess with meaningless aesthetics like this.

    This feels incredibly awful to say to an actual r*** victim... This blatant r*** denial even without the marxist view of prostitution, just further adding the idea that this SWERF concept is actively hostile to SW-survivors... Also clearly the original article is not talking about settlers doing OFs like Maya and calls out people in her class using the long standing Marxist position on prostitution... This whole response article feels incredibly gross to me.

    I'll leave it at I'm incredibly uncomfortable with the SWERF comment getting so many upvotes and I hope something is done about this in the future.

    • ButtBidet [he/him]M
      3 hours ago

      Please just leave this discussion to a mod or admin with more knowledge. I asked you not to have a struggling session here yet you're still doing it.

      • OpenDown
        3 hours ago

        I'm sorry I'm passionate, I said I'd leave it at that. but fine fuck all yall half the posts on here are stolen from twitter and rest is settler communist trash, I actually can't fucking believe you'd read that article and be convinced by it at all and everyone that upvoted that SWERF comment certainly hasn't read Marx and should get IP banned for that ghoulish r*** apolgia shit. Enjoy your meme posts about genocide and community of barely left of ACP "Communists"