It's both hilariously bad and depressing.
Let's see who we've got here so far:
Elon Musk - Literally the richest man on Earth helping run the Ameri$$$an government. Also, DOGE.
That one guy who became the defence secretary whose only qualification was being on Fox News.
RFK Jr. as health minister when he has wacky pseudoscientific views.
Pedo Gaetz.
And the funniest of them all, the elephant in the room, though he is only a potential candidate right now:
The AmeriKKKan empire is becoming a circus, a fitting end.
I dunno about the deep fake thing. Because Alex Jones is the actor who plays Alex Jones(tm)(c)(r) and using Alex Jones’ likeness to portray Alex Jones(tm)(c)(r) might be protected.
If he's in SAG, yes, it is.
Do you think Alex Jones is union?
It would be funnier if he is
Short term? Yes. Long term? Absolutely not.