My favourite Pokémon is Vaporeon, of course. I also like Eevee and all the other Eeveelutions.
Pikachu shocking Ash with electricity and refusing to go in the Pokéball was cool. Little electric-type comrade defending his freedom.
My favourite Pokémon is Vaporeon, of course. I also like Eevee and all the other Eeveelutions.
Pikachu shocking Ash with electricity and refusing to go in the Pokéball was cool. Little electric-type comrade defending his freedom.
I like Porygon so much I wrote a fanfic about it (with not-very-subtle anti-capitalist themes)
"anticapitalist pokemon fanfic" is a set of 3 words describing something I didn't know I needed until becoming aware of its existence
I have read your fanfic, it's good!
Porygon is one of my favourites, too, and it's sad that I can't watch it in the anime because of that one incident...
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it