One pet peeve that gets to me is something that's done on a lot of commuter railways and S-Bahns, the 10/20 minute schedule. The schedule looks like:


etc, when it should be like this:


This minimizes waiting and allows for frequent service every 15 minutes.

What are your pet peeves?

  • SuperZutsuki [they/them]
    1 month ago

    In my area it's that we only have buses and the maximum frequency is 30 minutes, which the system only achieves on a few lines M-F from 6-18:00. Otherwise it's like a 1-2 hour frequency.

    Oh, and we have a train station but there's only 2 trains in the morning and 2 in the evening and they're so slow and cost so much fucking money that there's no point in ever taking them into the city. There's legitimately no use case for them as a commuter train because they wouldn't get you downtown early enough and leave too early to catch after work and a round trip is like $34. The only use is if you're taking a long distance trip and even then it costs so much more than any other option while being 2x slower than driving and 6-7x slower than flying. Why, yes, it is Amtrak. How did you know?