Redditors are of course salivating over it
Redditors are of course salivating over it
i'm not a transphobe and i support the existence of trans people and that they have full rights.
i don't know what you mean by "newly elected", this government has been in power for a while. anyways, i disagree with their very regressive stance on LGBT issues, but i don't think a different government will reverse course on this. i support this government for now because they're taking a somewhat anti-imperialist stance, something Georgia hasn't seen in decades.
Thanks for the answer
Even American leftists are more principled than that.
our conditions are different from the conditions in America. in America, both bourgeois parties are on the same side and the same platform. in Georgia, the two sides are the national bourgeoisie, whose interests align with anti imperialism, and the comprador bourgeoisie, whose interests align with the west and who are now staging these protests. it is within the interest of our cause that the national bourgeoisie advance their cause as it is anti-imperialist, and therefore I critically support them. this is not too dissimilar to the critical support for Russia. it is quite dogmatic of you to assume that the conditions everywhere are the same as the United States, and therefore, communists globally must take the same approach everywhere. you have the wrong stance and the wrong approach.
Well since the US and Russia both follow the exact same ideology, you choose to support the neoliberal bourgeoisie over the other neoliberal bourgeoisie, the one that's openly homo- and transphobic and totalitarian in a sense that even the apparent liberties that one adorns themselves with are abolished. Great critical support and very right stance my dude
The US and Russia are exactly the same? One is openly hostile to proletarian and resistance movements around the world while the other keeps aligning itself with them out of self-interest. Seems pretty different in the context of imperialism.
That's why I used it as an insult. Learn to read