(sorry if this seems parodical, it is indeed serious, i don't wanna come off troll-y, my sense of humor is rlly weird)/srs
(sorry if this seems parodical, it is indeed serious, i don't wanna come off troll-y, my sense of humor is rlly weird)/srs
Saints Row 2 was amazing, the gender slider, that you could pick any voice, wear all clothing, have any hair style/makeup, no gender restrictions, could change gender presentation at any point through plastic surgery, pronouns were simply The Boss.
I really have to wonder if there’s was a trans or NB person involved in the decision process, even if it was an egg going “haha would this be funny right? To give the players full gender options lol”
Also, nobody batted a fucking eye. Everybody just played the damn game and had a good time. We've really slid far and quickly as a society.
I imagine if it was released today it would be like this on social media:
"Saints Row 2: WOKE? It FORCES Gamers to play as TRANS!"