“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations.
“I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump, who restricted access to foreign worker visas in his first administration and has been critical of the program in the past.
I am not using maoist standard english, it's like using 1337 Speak in current year
All I ask you is that Amerika is referred to, as a settler kolonial entity
You kkknow what? Freikorps it. Everyrhing i say is now in Maoi$t SStandard Engi$h. I thinkkk this will finally get my dickkk wet again from that KKKute Amerikkkan long leggged SSociali$t from the KKKollege i attended.
(GGGraduated with a 333.0 GPA in BuSSiness KKKlaSSes)
I'm going to takkke Maoi$t SSStandard Engli$ch even furttther. Ï wïll SShow everyöne how a real Amerikkkan SSociali$t gets ït dönë. A SSöup KKKït$chën jůst öpënëd ůp nëar my rësïdënKKKë, (rëntâl pröpérty my di$gů$ting libéral """"parëntSS""" ((KKKAPITALISST KKKLASS MƐANT TO KKKONTRÖL THE PRÖLETARIAN OFFSSprīng! UNJŮSST HEIRARCHŶ!)) Paīd för) bůt i$ SStaffëd ßy DSSA KKKarën lïßëralSS whö dönt let me SSprëad thëŏry to thë infërm proʻles! $ö, i havë takën it ŏpon mySSelf to tëaKKKch thësë KKKarénSS a leSSon. With firëbömßs.
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