So am I supposed to believe that one day some absolutely wild man came up with the idea to put a bunch of people in a cart and send them zooming around loops and dips at dangerous speeds on a rickety track? And people line up for this?

Surely these things cost a ton of money to build and maintain. Who the hell thought this was a good idea???

  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    4 days ago

    I line up for them.

    I’m not naturally a thrill seeker. I have an honest to god fear of high places. I will not stand near the edge of something, even.

    But if you strap me into the seat of a rolly coaster, and it starts to go up the hill, clattering and bucking. Loud. Shaking. And then everyone puts their arms up (I love that part) and holy fuck here we go over the first drop. I love that shit. I will holler and laugh and scream the entire ride.