"I've never seen women play any games except all these games I've seen them play, but that doesn't count because reasons"

Bonus points for transphobia and ableism.

Fuck people who think like this. TIL that only men play lots of genres of games, which is news to me because the majority of my male friends only play shooters and one plays nothing but... wait for it... RPGs.

G*mers are a mistake.

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Damn, wonder why women don't play fps games where you're expected to use your mic 🤔🤔🤔🤔 must be in the chromosomes or something

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I mentioned below that mic usage, for casual play, seems to be declining. Not sure if it's because of more women playing, more gamers becoming self aware (lol) of how voicechat is perceived, or if it's because, at least for the PS4 I bought it didn't include a mic IIRC. Xbox 360s included one, I believe, and their chat was legendarily bad. A quick Google tells me there's not one in the PS5 box.