    8 months ago

    Sickens me how many people in the west have a positive view of Churchill and a negative view of Stalin. The latter I understand the propaganda is stronger but the former, nothing is really obscured about Churchill's beliefs and policy. You have to think a lot of people just appreciate that disgusting shit.

      8 months ago

      they don't actually teach shit about Churchill in US schools besides "badass dude who helped us beat the germans cuz he was so stubborn and cool", really not that surprising

        8 months ago

        I read entire thick biography of Churchill and none of the worst shit he did was there, it's completely sanitized to the point the worst accusations against him in that book was that he fucked up the Gallipoli and that he was crass boor (but funny amrite). Author even made him some kind of humanitarian for the perfunctory critique of British atrocities in Sudan he wrote to newspaper as young officer participating in those atrocities.

        In the meantime every biography of Stalin is full of phrases like "Bloody tyrant" or "Virtuoso of lies" starting right on the cover.

      8 months ago

      It's less of an intentional obscuration and more that he's generally positively portrayed, and stuff like this is just never brought up and left to die silently, like all the declassified CIA stuff, at least in my experience.