I've been speaking with other more informed communists and they've told me that none actually exist. Is this true?

China, Laos, and Vietnam: now notoriously capitalists. Workers work 12+ hours with no protection in horrible factory conditions. Suicide rates are so high that suicide nets are installed. The air is so polluted millions die from lung cancer, especially factory workers w/out basic masks. Corporations dominate

North Korea: Undemocratically ruled by the Kim dynasty. Jong un indulges lavishly at the expense of his citizens, ordering millions in fine wine and trips from Denis Rodman. They might be the most socialist though, as Juche seems to otherwise be democratic.

Cuba: Sanctions have taken a massive toll, but even taking that into account the country still has its own problems. They have massive food shortages and inventory probs and aren't self sufficient after 60+ years. Why couldn't they've use machinery imported from the Soviet Union to develop their agriculture and fishery? The Soviets supported them heavily. They seem to be incredibly mismanaged or corrupt

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    8 months ago

    You keep saying this and if you knew anything about Holocaust historiography and were speaking in good faith, it would be a really weird thing to say.


    Hitler was obviously an enthusiastic facilitator of the Holocaust, but to say that he "ordered" is a really fraught claim. It's not like gas chambers or even death camps were his idea, or only put to use killing Jewish people after he approved of them. To my knowledge, he did order the removal of Jewish people from all the society controlled by Nazis and did seek for them to be eradicated, but when you say "ordered the Holocaust" it makes it sound like it was much more centrally-organized than it was. The fascist higher-ups on a municipal level understood it was part of their job to "purge" the Jewish population, but how they were to go about it often was not handed down to them, so they devised their own methods (and, if they reported success, their method was sometimes applied elsewhere). Whether what Hitler did say amounts to "ordering the Holocaust" vs the Holocaust being one of several possible outcomes that would have fallen within his orders is a matter of debate (to be clear, he did order genocide of Jews in a broader sense, but the Holocaust was not only work camps, which still would have been genocide due to many factors, and should not be understood as such).

    I don't know, it's just weird, you are very self-serious about history while demonstrating confident ignorance.