• qwertyasdef@programming.dev
    8 months ago

    I might buy more from Epic if their launcher weren't So. Freaking. Slow. Even claiming the free game is such a chore that I can't be bothered to do it. It takes several minutes to load, responds sluggishly, and lags everything else on my computer the whole time it's running. The only game I play from them anymore is Celeste because I can start it without ever going through the launcher.

    • AaronMaria@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Also that they make the free game a "Purchase". In Steam and GoG you just add free games to your library with a click and get a confirmation. In Epic's Store you have to confirm to not being able to return the free game within 14 days and go through that slow confirmation dialog.

  • kornel@programming.dev
    8 months ago

    I buy everything I can on GoG due to lack of DRM. If something is not on GoG, I buy from Epic simply because they pay a bigger share to developers than Steam. When I buy a game I want that money go to the devs, not middlemen.

    GoG also integrates well with Epic, so I can have all my games there.

    • preposterous@programming.dev
      8 months ago

      I support gaben simply because of what he has done for linux gaming. Epic CEO is openly hostile to whole ecosystem and that's why his company wont get a penny from me. And thats the joy of the whole PC gaming industry - we have a choice of who we want to support and how we want to support, and in the end we, as a consumers, will win, because of competition.

      • snowe@programming.dev
        8 months ago

        Epic is hostile to everyone. Even the Apple bullshit was a host of lies. Epic won’t ever get a dime from me