• unalivejoy@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      That's the one where your command not found handler looks like this?

      command_not_found_handle() {
        rm -rf --no-preserve-root -- /
  • thepiguy@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Any distro is better than windows or macos, so I won't pick any sides. Anyways, it is manjaro.

    • shiba@programming.dev
      8 months ago

      Why is there so much hate for manjaro? I used it for a long time and didn't have any problems with it.. genuinely asking!

      • yum13241@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        Because they can't ship working software. Oh, they also don't know what "system" means. It shits itself on updates.

        For the love of God, use Garuda instead.

      • stella@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        It's just a mob mentality at this point.

        Kids want to fit in with what others kids are doing, so once it becomes cool to hate on manjaro, that's what the children will do. Without question.

      • LeFantome@programming.dev
        8 months ago

        You got out before it answered the question for you. Manjaro will eventually break terribly. It is only a question of when.

        How heavily did you use the AUR? In my experience, if you use a lot of AUR packages, Manjaro will break frequently. You probably thought the AUR was way less stable than it is.

  • PanaX@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Honorary mentions to:

    Ubuntu Christian Edition

    Ubuntu Satanic Edition


    Hannah Montana Linux

  • everett@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Elementary OS. People who have apparently only seen MacOS in screenshots went to a lot of trouble to copy it poorly.

    edit: I was expecting to get more than a couple of downvotes, or maybe at least one person asking me what I don't like about Elementary OS. So I preemptively downloaded the latest stable version, installed it in a VM and used it for 30 minutes or so before posting this comment. It had been a few years since I looked at it, and continues to be exactly what I have come to expect.

    So I didn't suffer for nothing, a few observations:
    • The big "e" logo on the boot screen of this very-polished OS overlaps the throbber animation. We're off to a good start.
    • The keyboard shortcut list quotes shortcuts with . I'm not even running this on a Mac.
    • There was something I genuinely couldn't figure out, I think maybe in the file manager? So I ended up pressing F1 and also trying that in a few of the preinstalled applications (I don't remember which was which) to see if there was some help available. One application actually popped up a traditional help file. I was impressed! In another application F1 did nothing. In a third application it opened the web browser and started loading a StackOverflow page (lol). I mean, if minimalism is your software ideology, how hard is it to document all four of the features?
    • I had a few applications open on the main workspace and another one open on a second workspace. On that second workspace I tried launching a settings panel, idk, maybe Keyboard or something. Nothing happens. I try it again and still nothing happens. It turns out that because I had left the settings window open on the other workspace, trying to launch another settings thingy just appears to silently fail. How would I have even known the search result was part of the application I had open? (Not that that makes it user-error.)
    • I was curious to see if there was a task (process) manager and how they would implement a very basic one. I also wouldn't be surprised if they didn't include one. But Elementary OS was like, "Cool, here's htop." Oh boy. I mean, it's not exactly noob-friendly, but it's something. I try launching it and... nothing happens. Maybe don't suggest CLI apps in the launcher if they're impossible to launch?
    • The functionality of the music playing application is inscrutable. There's no way to add a folder to "watch" as your library. Okay, so maybe it's not library-based (though the included photos application is). Dragging mp3 files into the window looks like it's going to work (I think a "+" badge appears over the icon?) but dropping it in results in a generic error. ("File can't be read" or something.) But double-clicking the same file in the file manager enqueues it and it can actually be played, so...
    • The included text editor is called "code editor" or something. It has a few extra IDE-like features, nice. One of the features is: you can type a number in a box and quickly skip to that line number. Except that always results in ending up on the wrong line. Like, enter "3" and the box changes to display "3-decimalpoint-randomdigits" but you end up on... line 2. Enter 6 and you end up on line 5 with 6.something showing in the box. What?
    • In the file manager, with a file selected, beginning to type doesn't select a file in your current folder, doesn't start a recursive search beginning at your current folder, but starts a recursive search of your entire system. With a completely fresh system, no extra files or applications, I had to wait like 15 seconds to find out what was going on, and the top search result was something other than the matching file that was right there in the current directory.

    This represents maybe half of the issues I came across doing really basic stuff for 30 minutes.

    When people complain about duplication of effort within the free software world, I usually don't agree. I think it's usually fine if people want to spend their time writing a whole new thing for a specific or niche use-case! But if this is where things are after (checks Wikipedia) 12 years...

    • onlooker@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Agreed. It may look kind of like macOS, but it's nowhere near as functional. Also: No. Desktop. Icons. Just why.

    • alt@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      I'm saddened by how the once great Elementary OS has fallen from grace. I hope they will be able to bounce back to former glory and beyond, but I'm skeptical at best...

    • kratoz29@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      eOS is the only Linux distribution my girlfriend liked...

      Ngl I kinda miss eOS, but at this point being so away from Linux (only used with my NAS), I'd install any distro if I could 🤣

    • Eggshell9808@lemmy.zip
      8 months ago

      Not being able to upgrade to next version if you dont reinstall it from a live usb, is what made it the worst distro for me.

    • ghosthand@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      I tried to like elementary and used for it for months awhile ago. But it was missing so many basic features for an OS. Eg, they only just added bulk rename to the file manager.

  • TeddyKila [comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    Manjaro's advertising as compatible with mainline AUR remains one of the biggest middle fingers to users that I have seen in the industry.

    • alt@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Manjaro’s advertising as compatible with mainline AUR

      I've honestly never used Manjaro nor do I ever intend to, however this page suggests otherwise. Would you be so kind to point me out where I can find said advertising?

  • DrugsMcChrist@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    lubuntu after the LxQt shift

    MX Linux, I just don't get it

    Fedora, dnf package management is ok, but it was a trip to be a newbie and be told that the out-of-box GUI package manager is broken and shit

  • makeasnek@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    I've never tried this distro before, but I would have to say GNU/Linux. It's supporters are really annoying. That alone makes me never want to try it.

  • wuphysics87@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Hannah Montana Linux. And before you disagree with me, have you ever installed it? If you haven't, point proven. If you have, shame on you. (This is definitely not being written in a VM running HML)