What are you running on?
I've been able to run on a bunch of different surfaces before. Pavement, grass, turf, tracks, treadmills, and sand. All have their pros and their cons.
What is everyone's preferences? I love running on grass/dirt as long as there aren't a bunch of dips/holes all over the place.
Or if you just have general running questions, complaints, etc drop them here.
:anprim-pat: :ancom-pat: :anprim-pat: :ancom-pat: :anprim-pat:
:penguin-dance: Seriously go add your favorite workout songs to our community playlist! :penguin-dance:
:parrot-vibin: Looking for music to listen to while you work out? Look no further :parrot-vibin:
dirt especially when it has a bit of give to it 👍