Today I spoke to a coworker who had bad experiences with doctors and was seeking recommendations for a new one, then other coworkers chimed in, and so I decided to ask you guys as well. Well, not for a doctor recommendation, but about your bad experienced with doctors?

I'm gonna spoiler mine, because it makes me very uncomfortable, so perhaps it may make someone else very uncomfortable.


I had a doctor who had no business in it make me show my intimate parts (I'm intersex) and she touched them. She was curious, I guess...? She's a psychiatrist, so, again, literally 0 business doing so. I already have trauma from regular people who treat me like a circus display, I really had no need for someone with systemic power over me using it like that...

No, I didn't report this. I was a teenager and barely functioning at the time. :/

    11 months ago

    Felt depressed, low energy, not putting on muscle despite biking. Family practice doc said let's test your testosterone. Ok, it was low, very low. He checked my TSH and then prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. I was young and worried about having kids. He said that the T would not affect my sperm count. My wife said he needed to run a few more tests, but he dismissed her A few years later we're looking at adoption, because surprise, the T made me infertile. We decided to pause the adoption process and my wife went to med school. During which she was vindicated and I went to a proper endocrinologist, who put me on HCG and now we have 3 kids.