Am I excluded from the Stalinist ban on all Biden supporters?

The night of the long knifes is upon us, the mods are not happy just being men on thrones. They now demand to be thought leaders. Only the outcome matters, how that outcome is arrived at is academic.

These brutes only have one tool: force. Free thinkers like myself will be pushed into total submission by the politburo for the beautiful rebellion of #VoteBlueNoMatterWho.

Whoever shall fight shall be a martyr of moderate market liberalism, our cry of "NOTHING WILL FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE, NO MALARKEY!" strikes fear; four words a comma and two additional words will reverberate across the internet. Of course they are scared, the mods of ChapoTrapHouse are tyrants of change and masters of malarkey.

Well listen here, Jack, I know you are scared and I will not be muzzled. I will jihad for a world, a utopia, where Michael Bloomberg is head of the world bank, Jamie Dimon is in charge of the Treasury, and John Kerry is secretary of state. My warning flare is now visible by all in a several hundred mile radius. My trumpet is sounding. The general election has begun.

tldr. Will I be banned?