I hinted at it before but I may as well say something now before the actual moving day: I'm probably going to be on here a lot less after a few weeks. In the near future, I'm going to be restoring an old house in a distant land, starting the initial phases of growing my own food on a larger scale around it, and experiencing fatherhood for the first time. sweat

I admit I'm scared because change is scary and moving sucks so bad that it was a primary plot driver in the film Inside Out, but these are lifelong goals that I've been shooting for for a long time and I am the metaphorical dog that finally caught the car. dog-screm

I won't say I'll never return here but the new focus should take priority. That said, I highly doubt that all the proverbial grass I'll be touching out there in the months and years ahead will suddenly make me like Gambo or Richard and Mortimer, contrary to what I've been told before. stalin-nyet

I may lurk a little bit but that may run the risk of getting pulled in again if I do that; I know my weakness there. I admit I like posting here and I like a lot of the people here on Hexbear. What may stop me is that moving out of state is a bit like a reset on my location and livelihood in a way that may make it a bit harder for people to find me for those that I don't want to find me, be they fedposting or just toxic internet people. That's a nice thing and I effectively forfeit that perk if I get pulled in while lurking.

Maybe this is a pointless thread, especially because I'm not leaving quite yet, but I wanted to get it out there anyway because I'm abuzz internally about it. Even if it's scary and my nerves are a bit frayed in the final stages of signing papers and getting travel arrangements booked in advance, I have to remember that in some ways I'm very lucky and fortunate to get this far, and if I don't blow this I'll be living off of the land in ways that would make some of my ancestors proud. specter

Not the chud ones, but fuck them. specter-global

  • booty [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Wow, I'm happy for you comrade! Absolutely living the dream. I'm looking out the window at my tomato plants and my morning glories and thinking, "Maybe someday I'll get that chance."

    I've still got all your books sitting by my desk here. Should I move 'em up the list and give ya a big critique before you go or should I just let ya be? Speaking of which, are you planning to write more, and if so, how could I stay up to date? Maybe let me in on the secret if you abandon this name? fedposting

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      8 months ago

      I've still got all your books sitting by my desk here. Should I move 'em up the list and give ya a big critique before you go or should I just let ya be? Speaking of which, are you planning to write more, and if so, how could I stay up to date? Maybe let me in on the secret if you abandon this name?

      Please do; I'll be around until about the end of the month so if you have any feedback for me please message me before then. I do intend to write more and in fact I'm writing another book now as a collaborative project with my wife; we haven't yet decided if we're using my pen name, hers, or some sort of synthesis on the finished project.

      My next solo writing project is a big TBA thing and I haven't decided whether to continue under the same pen name or not. The vibes will be different enough and sometimes the almighty algorithm weighs a new name more favoriably, increasing the chance of something taking off and getting cumulative attention.