First of all can I even call this a sub? What is it?

My question for us to collectively decide overtime is: will this be HN[0] or Lobsters[1] with lefties, or will is just be about China vs US consumer tech news? I personally would like to see the former because those sites can be fun (aka a yuge time sink) until you read the dogshit takes in the comments. I hope this place encourages real discussion including but not limited to GNU/Linux distro wars, the BSDs, mpv[2], languages, webdev, security, cyberpunk, cypherpunk, hating on OOP, free software (besides rms), Emacs[3] vs Vi[4] and God's True Language™ Lisp. You know, the good stuff.

I guess we will all find out the direction this place will take together. To a bright future shitposting together, comrades!

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

  • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Honestly I still like HN for the content, even though the comments can often become techbro lib(/ertarian) central quite easily. That said, even the comments can be pretty great most of the time.