is there any method to the madness? I stumbled upon some stuff and its horrifying, but could be understood from a very neutral perspective. Is it entirely full of racists and reactionaries?

  • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Anyone who thinks that poor material conditions in the US (under current circumstances) would lead to Communism is an absolute rube.

    Most people don't even know what it is, those who have heard the word think it's when the government does stuff, and a lot of lot those people think it's an ideology that rose from Hell itself to destroy America.

    That's why stuff like organisation and talking to people is important. You actually need people on your side, people who understand why things got this bad. Material conditions worsened with Trump, and half a million Americans died of a preventable disease under his rule, and the American people responded by either voting for Trump, or voting for Joe Biden.

    Millions of Americans will look at Trump's Presidency and not conclude that he was the endpoint of pro-US, pro-capitalism, pro-Western propaganda, but rather that he was a really mean man who got voted in because too many people were also mean and also stupid for not realising Hillary was our next Queen.

    It's your job to teach them otherwise. To show them a better way.

    • Nama [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I mean it is rather obvious that accelerationism in the US would just lead to fascism, but that is sometimes even the goal of "left" accelerationism. To create an America that is exclusively america focused, lead by idiots that don't understand the importance of Americas imperialism when it comes to their own prosperity.

      The goal is to promote an isolationist hyper capitalist America, that would fail quicker than capital could react. The goal of that accelerationism is not to help save America, but to help save the world from America.

      Now having a fascist nation is always bad, but having an imperialist/expansionist nation is arguably worse for everyone around them. There are not that many important exports from America that the world relies on, mostly just copyrighted things. And America has little to none of the Lebensraum ideology that made the Nazis expansionist.

      I am not advocating for accelerationism here, I dont think "sacrificing" hundreds of millions for a risky gamble would be worth it, but I think this version of accelerationism is still far more realistic.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Now having a fascist nation is always bad, but having an imperialist/expansionist nation is arguably worse for everyone around them.

        Then there's the third option, an imperialist / expansionist fascist nation that tries to do a genocide speedrun. I'm aware the right wing of the GOP leans towards isolationism, but Bush already showed that you can be a unilateral isolationist who hates international institutions and still be an expansionist warmonger. The US is just not weak and tiny enough to make them the non-expansionist kind of fash, if there even is such a thing in the first place.

        This is not directed at you, just saying that the people you're describing are missing the elephant in the room when they think it's either imperialism or isolationist fascism.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The spectacle is a daunting beast. Especially for older folks. You bring up points or even get them to refute their own points by asking questions and as soon as they hit the point of realization, it's like a switch is flipped. They just change subjects or use a thought terminating cliche or just go silent. No one wants to be wrong. Contradicting the false spectacular resolutions to the contradictions of capitalism is worse to them than the base contradictions.